<<Following our Climate Action Newcastle outing to Gateshead Energy's pioneering mine heat project, our supporters have been keen to learn more about this remarkable source of sustainable energy. So when we spotted a webinar on the potential of Geothermal in the UK, John Adams attended to find out more for us all.>>
The Potential of Geothermal in the UK: Learning from the North-East
Webinar: 7 July 2024.
Chair: Dr Charlotte Adams, Director, newly-established UK National Geothermal Centre
Dr Mark Ireland, Durham University (Geologist)
Chris Smith, Manager, Lanchester Wines
Belinda Humphrey, Energy Services Manager, Gateshead Council
Moderator: Fraser Serle (Fraserserle@northoftyne-ca.gov.uk)
The purpose of the webinar was to explore how Geothermal (GT) will be part of the just transition to Net Zero. It can help decarbonise both heating and cooling, using both shallow and deep processes.
Dr Adams said that the aim of the new UK National GT centre is to be an independent, inclusive, collaborative and authoritative body. They are currently seeking funders. They will look at
policy and regulation
mitigation of risk
integration of heat networks
use of waste heat.
About 20 universities are currently researching GT. The EU GT initiative could generate 250GW of GT by 2040. GT could provide 10 GW of UK heating demand, (about 5% of the total) - this would reduce CO2 emissions by 10 megatonnes, and could create 50,000 new jobs.
Dr Mark Ireland, a geologist from Durham University, said that the aim is to look at fairly deep levels of the geology – 900 to 5000 metres. There are various useful coal mining workings in the UK, such as Billingham (with a capacity of 8.6 MW and 810 C at a depth of 2km) and the Eastgate Thermal Project; background on this can be read in: Unlocking deep geothermal energy in the UK using borehole heat exchangers (wiley.com).
Belinda Humphry (Gateshead Council) had been involved with the Gateshead Heat Network (CHP) with Jim Gillon (LinkedIn profile here) and other senior councillors such as John McElroy (info here). Our blog report has lot of info gathered on our visit to Gateshead Energy - some of the buildings using its heat and energy are The Glass House, the Baltic, Gateshead College and the Yeshiva, and it is hoped to they were extend the Gateshead CHP project to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Tescos, the new Sage concert hall and thousands more homes.
Chris Smith, Manager at the Lanchester Wines Group had practical lessons on its use of heat pumps, solar power and wind turbines to keep its one million square feet and 200mn litres of wine at an ambient temperature. Website: Lanchester Wines.
Do keep Climate Action Newcastle informed of developments - we're keen to learn more and help raise awareness of its potential for moving towards net zero.
Our background blog has more details about the award-winning Gateshead Energy project.
John Adams
23 July 2024.