About Us
Our supporters pool ideas and actions to help tackle climate change.
We hope our information helps you decide how best you can play your part.
And we'd love to hear about how you take climate action - please get in touch!
Our Aims
Climate Action Newcastle is a grass roots organisation that empowers local people to take positive action to safeguard our environment and promote sustainable living. Our hundreds of supporters live, work or have connections with the Newcastle area. By working together, we're seizing the solutions we know will improve local lives, now and in the future.
Ways We Make a Positive Difference
- With individuals: helping workers, students, families, community group members
to be well-informed and make positive differences in their own lives
- With local decision-makers: we monitor Newcastle City Council’s climate plans and its progress towards its Net Zero pledges, and ensure supporters are aware of local consultations, campaigns and concerns
- Regionally: we monitor environmental issues relevant to the North East Mayor
and work with other climate groups in the region
- Nationally: our supporters attend national rallies and events, bringing back reports for
us to discuss locally, and we liaise with local MPs about national policy development
- Globally: we share information about climate justice – there is no Planet B
and the only solution is a global solution that is sustainable for all.
What We Do
Our passionate supporters and volunteers work tirelessly to protect nature and our planet, from hands-on activities like litter picking and tree planting to advocacy initiatives and direct lobbying of decision-makers.
Examples of CAN resources include:
- Google maps and blogs linked to local services: support the pioneers who help us refill, reuse, repair and repurpose
- Planting to support the Planet: our trees group supports tree-planting initiatives, helps nurture seeds and saplings, and highlights the value of hedges and peatlands.
- We love Cleaner Air campaign: our "30 Ways" online guidance gives everyone
positive actions to reduce harmful pollution and protect local residents
and the planet.
- Guide to Greener Litter Picks: tips on how to litter pick without generating greenhouse gases!
- Climate Messaging events: help for neighbours, people and groups to express why
they care so much about the earth and our environment.
How you can be Involved
Join us in our mission to create a more sustainable future for Newcastle. Our convener Jacky would love to hear from you:
- Become a Supporter: sign up online, via email or chat to us at one of our stalls (listed in Events section) – you’ll receive our monthly Newsletter and details of Monthly Meetings and CAN events
- Become a Volunteer: let us know if you’ve a few hours a week or a month to help is whatever way suits you best! Check our Volunteer list to see how best to make a difference.
- Lobby representatives whose support is vital: draw on our resources to contact local councillors, local MPs, your union rep, your employer.
- Share your ideas, info, questions: we’re all learning and changing, to build a better future together.
- Support rallies, events, petitions: our voices need to be heard!
We draw strength from our network:
- Swap useful information that improves the sustainability of our lives
- Provide diary updates about CAN events and outings, plus workshops,
protests, presentations run by other climate-concerned organisations
- Share mutual support and training to maintain personal energy
and effectiveness
- Draw on the expertise of the Friends of the Earth charity, which co-ordinates action groups around the UK
Our email address: contact@climateactionnewcastle.com
Climate Action Newcastle can also be contacted via our social media outlets.
If you wish to request or send printed versions of info, or arrange a phone conversation, these can be arranged, please get in touch with Jacky via our email or outlets.
History: how our group started
Climate Action Newcastle was set up in October 2019, following a meeting for the public in Gosforth Civic Theatre. It was organised by Friends of the Earth to see if there would be support for a group. A strong positive response led to CAN being created, but after big turnouts to initial meetings at the Trinity centre in Gosforth High Street, the Covid pandemic meant an immediate move to Zoom meetings was required for the regular Monthly Meetings.
Despite that challenge, the group continued to grow from scores to hundreds of supporters, and activities were resumed whenever relaxations in lockdown rules allowed. A litter pick on the Town Moor was a good way to comply with social distancing, and led to the creation of a Guide to Greener Litter Picks.
Since then, Monthly Meetings have developed to a mixed approach:
usually Zoom for convenience for busy members, but with
face-to-face meetings at least four times a year. Venues have
included the Gosforth Nature Reserve, Dance City and
Ouseburn Cycle Hub.
A wide range of activities have reflected the interests of members, including stalls and outings at local festivals,marches and leafleting (including Durham Gala), and playing a central organising role for election hustings, a Green Festival, Coat of Hopes visits and welcome events for Newcastle’s Clean Air Zone.
A crucial service provided for all supporters is information swapping and mutual support. As well as face-to-face and at CAN events, this takes place via monthly newsletters, emails, a Facebook group, Instagram, X/Twitter and email exchanges – all supported by a volunteer media team. The generosity of spirit and high motivation of CAN supporters has meant a constant flow of valuable information and advice, to help all who are concerned to tackle climate breakdown be as effective as possible. possible.